Brother Raksha: There's a New Sound in Town

Glasgow Life | Music

A new sound has emerged! Brother Raksha, a three-piece band from the Glasgow area, are banging out songs in quick succession and showing that there is no one genre category that they fit into. You’ve heard about breaking the mould - well look no further for the culprits.

The band comprises of Bassist, Jodie Bremaneson - Drummer, Ifedade Thomas & Whistle Player, Scott Wood. I know what you’re thinking: “Only 3 instrumentalists?” but unless you’ve experienced this sound, I’d suggest reserving your judgment. Their decision to maintain the integrity of each of their three instruments, and those alone on this record, is one that shines through each song released so far. An absolutely new sensation for the eardrums.

“We like that minimalist approach that every sound we make in the band is from these three instruments. Whether they be effected or layered up, it’s still from our three instruments.”

- Scott Wood

Check out the interview I had with the band below and get a vibe for what these guys are producing.

A Band of Brothers

There seems to be a running theme with these guys in how apparent family is. This is found with a tangible respect in how they relate to one another, as well as the jokes and giggles that you can see in the video above. This theme of family runs through their songs and how they’ve interacted with the music, producing songs like “Amma,” which means Mother in Tamil. Arguably the song “Tribe” could be linked to this notion of family but Jodie tells me the inspiration of that title comes from A Tribe Called Quest - so I think I might be reading into that a little too much.

Where did that sound even come from?

Understanding the background of each individual part of this band will help you realise how this particular style came to be. The multicultural nature of this group reaches through Scotland, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and even Ireland. Influences from these nations and upbringings are part of the sound you can attribute to Brother Raksha. Jodie & Scott have played together in the traditional Scottish music scene and continue to play in the band, Skerryvore. Ifedade & Scott have played with Christian band, Celtic Worship and Jodie & Ifedade have played together for many years together ranging through almost every genre known to man. The reason I mentioned their history together and the different styles of music is because these are all factors that provide inspiration to produce such a sound we hear in this band. This is where the sound came from - from these nations, these genres and the history in which these guys have shared for years together.

It was such a treat spending time with these guys. I hope you’ve enjoyed the video and the article but mostly the music. Go and give it a listen and experience how their songs speak to you personally.

Check them out on social media: @brotherraksha

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